At the northern end of Construction Package 1, the overcrossing for Road 27 in Madera County continues to take shape as crews build the support structures for the coming placement of concrete girders. Due to the geometry of Road 27 as it crosses the railroad tracks, the spans of this bridge are very long. Contractor TPZP is using precast spliced girders for the superstructure to achieve the distances needed. Shorter precast girders will be set on temporary falsework bents, which are being built between the concrete bents. Once the girders have been set beginning in August, they will be post-tensioned and the ends enclosed in concrete to form the superstructure. Underground utility work is also ongoing on the south side of the job site. Once the remaining utility relocations are complete, access roads for local homes and embankment will begin. Ultimately, the bridge will be over 700 feet long with the longest span stretching 198 feet.
Road 27 Grade Separation