December 2018 Edition

Updates Per Project

Fresno Trench & State Route 180 Passageway
Workers continue excavating the crossing under State Route 180 (SR 180) outside of downtown Fresno. As they dig down five feet, they add to the retaining wall with a rebar mesh and sprayed concrete, known as shotcrete. There’s about 18 feet left to excavate before crews will construct a concrete box that will carry the trains under SR 180, a rail spur and the Dry Creek Canal. At the trench, to the north of the SR 180, additional precast struts have been set, approximately 800 feet have been partially excavated. Crews are installing temporary supports to excavate the remainder in this area of the trench. Ultimately, the trench will extend approximately one mile in length.

San Joauin River Viaduct
At the northern end of the San Joaquin River Viaduct, girders have been set and a cast-in-place concrete arch is underway for the section that crosses over the river. Concrete is being poured for the deck segments on the north side of the river, while further south, crews continue constructing barrier and intrusion protection walls along the sides of the pergola section of the viaduct. The completed viaduct, nearly a mile in length, will be one of the largest structures on this first phase of the high-speed rail project.

Cedar Viaduct
At the Cedar Viaduct, construction crews continue extending the structure across State Route 99 south of Fresno. Columns for several support piers are rising on both sides of the highway. The viaduct will eventually be connected to the smaller Muscat Viaduct a little further to the south. One of the largest structures on Construction Package 1, the Cedar Viaduct will be about three-quarters of a mile long when complete.

Road 27 Grade Separation
At the northern end of Construction Package 1, a total of 28 girders have been set to form the foundation for the crossing superstructure. Currently, crews are beginning construction of diaphragms that will connect the girders to one another along the sides. They’ll also start closure pours which will connect the girder sections together. After some additional utility relocation, embankment work will also begin. Ultimately, the bridge will be nearly 650 feet with frontage roads providing access along the sides to local homes.

Avenue 15 Grade Separation
Construction is ramping up at Avenue 15. Carpenter and rebar crews are constructing the abutment wall for this two-span structure which will take traffic over the high-speed train and the existing freight rail alignment.

Avenue 11 Grade Separation
On the Avenue 11 bridge, crews are completing traffic barriers on the bridge. Next, dirt, paving, and guardrail crews will be mobilizing to complete the overpass, starting with the roadway leading up to the concrete bridge deck. A rock base will then be placed for the roadway followed by asphalt paving. This crossing, east of Road 30 ½, will take traffic over the high-speed train alignment.

Kent Avenue Grade Separation
At the overcrossing for Kent Avenue, workers are beginning construction of the bridge deck’s support piers. A rebar cage is lowered into a drilled shaft then filled with concrete. A second rebar cage is attached then concrete forms set to form the column. A flared pier cap will next be constructed on top of the columns to support the bridge deck.