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Whitley Avenue Underpass

Whitley Avenue Underpass

Construction at the Whitley Avenue Underpass is underway near the city of Corcoran. The underpass is located between SR 43 and Fourth Avenue, also known as SR 137. Excavation efforts are completed and 41,000 cubic yards of dirt was relocated and imported to the future...
Church Avenue Grade Separation

Church Avenue Grade Separation

There are multiple utility relocations ongoing near the Church Avenue Grade Separation, including the installation of new sewer lines being installed under the BNSF railroad tracks. Crews are also working with Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District to complete its...
Road 26 Grade Separation

Road 26 Grade Separation

Several public meetings have been held in Madera County to inform the community of construction of a grade separation on Road 26. When completed, the future overcrossing will be a three lane roadway and span 636-feet long, improving safety in the area for motorists...
SR 43 Curved Bridge

SR 43 Curved Bridge

Located in Kings County, the State Route 43 Curved Bridge spans 660 feet long and will take high-speed trains over State Route...
Lakeland Bridge

Lakeland Bridge

Located south of the city of Corcoran in Kings County, west of State Route 43, the Lakeland Bridge spans 402 feet long, 43 feet wide and will take high-speed trains over the existing...