The new overpass is located at Road 29 / Santa Fe Drive, east of the City of Madera. It took 16 pre-cast concrete girders and nearly 117 pre-cast concrete deck panels to complete the structure, which spans 468 feet, is 40 feet wide and takes traffic over the existing BNSF rail and future high-speed rail lines.
Avenue 15 ½ Grade Separation
Updates Per Project

November 1, 2022
The Avenue 15 1/2 Grade Separation is the latest structure to be opened to traffic in Construction Package 1. The overpass structure is located at Road 29 / Santa Fe Drive, east of the city of Madera. It took 16 pre-cast girders and nearly 120 pre-cast concrete deck panels to complete the structure. The structure spans 468 feet long and 40 feet wide and takes traffic over the existing BNSF rail and future high-speed rail lines.

June 1, 2022
Superstructure work continues at the Avenue 15 ½ Grade Separation in Madera. In April, all 16 girders were placed and in May, crews set more than 117 deck panels for the top of the structure. Ironworkers continue to tie deck reinforcement and crews continue to place deck concrete. When complete, the Avenue 15 ½ Grade Separation will span 468-feet long, 40-feet wide and will take traffic over BNSF and future high-speed rail lines.

March 1, 2022
At the Avenue 15 ½ Grade Separation, crews have completed construction of the substructure including columns and bent caps. Concrete has been placed at the east abutment and crews are now forming the west abutment. Girders will be set for the superstructure later this Spring. When complete, the Avenue 15 ½ Grade Separation will be 468-feet long, and 40-feet wide and will take trains over BNSF and future high-speed rail lines.