Several public meetings have been held in Madera County to inform the community of construction of a grade separation on Road 26. When completed, the future overcrossing will be a three lane roadway and span 636-feet long, improving safety in the area for motorists and pedestrians by taking them over the existing BNSF railroad and future high-speed rail tracks. All utility relocations, including Comcast and PG&E have been completed. Temporary signals along the detour route in the area have also been installed for traffic flow.
Road 26 Grade Separation
Updates Per Project

May 20, 2024
Several public meetings have been held in Madera County to inform the community of construction of a grade separation on Road 26. When completed, the future structure will be a three-lane roadway and span 636-feet long, improving safety in the area for motorists and pedestrians by taking them over the existing BNSF railroad and future high-speed rail tracks. All utility relocations, including Comcast and PG&E have been completed. Temporary signals along the detour route in the area have also been installed for traffic flow.