On Ventura Street, more utilities are being moved and shoring is being stalled to make way for the underpass. Crews are continuing to work on the retaining walls west of the Union Pacific tracks. Earlier this year, crews hit a milestone by completing the G Street Bridge that spans over the Ventura Street Underpass which is now open to traffic.
Ventura Street Undercrossing

Updates Per Project

May 21, 2024
At Ventura Street, crews continue to work on the abutment walls for the bridge that will take the Union Pacific Railroad and San Joaquin Valley Railroad over the underpass. The Ventura Street Underpass is a grade separation comprised of three bridges, including one to carry Union Pacific Railroad trains, one for high-speed rail trains, and one for traffic along traveling along G Street. Crews are also continuing

May 10, 2023
On Ventura Street, more utilities are being moved and shoring is being stalled to make way for the underpass. Crews are continuing to work on the retaining walls west of the Union Pacific tracks. Earlier this year, crews hit a milestone by completing the G Street Bridge that spans over the Ventura Street Underpass which is now open to traffic.

May 1, 2021
Major work is happening in downtown and Chinatown Fresno. Crews have kicked off work at the Tulare Street and Ventura Street underpasses. Both underpasses will serve as grade separations eliminating the current Union Pacific railroad crossings, allowing traffic to travel underneath the freight line and future high-speed rail lines. Both underpasses will be more than 20-feet below grade and will include pedestrian access.