Pond Road Viaduct

Updates Per Project

May 10, 2023
The Pond Road Viaduct is now complete. With the civil work complete, crews will now be tasked to haul embankment and connect the structures to the high-speed rail alignment. The Pond Road Bridge is 121-feet long.

December 1, 2020
At Pond Road, crews are preparing to place nearly 340 cubic yards of concrete to form the stem walls on both sides of the high-speed rail structure. When completed, the structure will span 121 feet long and 52 feet wide and will take high-speed trains over Pond Road.

September 28, 2020
North of Wasco in Kern County, crews placed nearly 431 cubic-yards of concrete to form the deck of the Pond Road Viaduct. The job took 8 hours to complete and was the second concrete placement at the structure. The week before, crews placed 66.5 cubic-yards of concrete to form the diaphragms. The Pond Road Viaduct will span approximately 121 feet in length, 52 feet wide, and will allow high-speed trains to cross over Pond Avenue.

April 27, 2020
At Pond Road, just west of State Route 43 (SR 43) in Kern County, laborers are grading Pond Road for the falsework pads of the structure. Carpenters are also building the forms that will eventually be installed to support the bridge deck, which will mold the aesthetic pattern of the structure. This viaduct will take future high-speed trains over Pond Road. When complete, the viaduct will be approximately 121-feet in length and 52-feet wide.

August 24, 2018
On Construction Package 4, just north of Wasco in Kern County, crews have been drilling shafts, setting rebar columns and pouring concrete for the foundation of a structure that will carry high-speed trains over Pond Road. A total of 10 shafts were drilled and poured on the north side of the roadway while another eight had to be constructed on the south side.