Crews are now working on the east side of the Tulare Street Underpass. Crews have removed utilities in the area and continue to excavate dirt and install shoring – supports that help prevent the movement of soil – for the construction of the future underpass and new bridge for the Union Pacific railroad. Bridgework will begin in the coming months. In addition, and just slightly south, a new cul-de-sac was completed on Kern Street near Chuckchansi Park stadium parking, just in time for the Fresno Grizzlies baseball season.
Tulare Street Undercrossing

Updates Per Project

May 21, 2024
On the east side of the Tulare Street Undercrossing, crews have completed installing soil nails below the Historic Train Depot, the future location of the Fresno Station. Soil nails will help stabilize the earth below the building as crews continue work on the retaining walls. Concrete has also been placed on portions of the retaining walls on both sides of the structure. Roadwork improvements have also begun at the intersection of Tulare and H streets. Work will include reconstruction of the existing intersection to tie in with the future grade separation

May 10, 2023
Crews are now working on the east side of the Tulare Street Underpass. Crews have removed utilities in the area and continue to excavate dirt and install shoring – supports that help prevent the movement of soil – for the construction of the future underpass and new bridge for the Union Pacific railroad. Bridgework will begin in the coming months. In addition, and just slightly south, a new cul-de-sac was completed on Kern Street near Chuckchansi Park stadium parking, just in time for the Fresno Grizzlies baseball season.

November 1, 2022
Progress continues at the Tulare Street Underpass between downtown Fresno and Fresno’s Chinatown. The G Street bridge is nearly completed. Post-tensioning of the bridge has been completed, falsework has been removed, and the concrete to form the barrier and sidewalk has been placed. Crews are now putting the finishing touches, including paving and installing streetlights, on the bridge for traffic. The G Street bridge should be open to the public soon. When complete, the Tulare Street Underpass will be 22 feet below grade and will include pedestrian access.

June 1, 2022
Between downtown and Fresno’s Chinatown, progress continues on the Tulare Street Underpass. The G Street bridge is nearly completed. Post-tensioning of the bridge has been completed, falsework has been removed, and the concrete to form the barrier and sidewalk has been placed. Crews are now putting the finishing touches, including paving and installing streetlights on the bridge for traffic. The G Street Bridge should be open to the public soon.

March 1, 2022
Between downtown and Fresno’s Chinatown, progress continues on the Tulare Street underpass. Both tracks of the Union Pacific railroad have been cutover to the shoofly, a temporary track built for the construction of the grade separation. Also, the west approach retaining walls and excavation under G Street is now complete. Crews have also installed the falsework for the G Street Bridge, placed concrete to form the bridge deck, and are now preparing to begin post-tensioning the ducts inside the bridge deck.

September 29, 2020
There is plenty of work happening just west of downtown Fresno and the future high-speed rail station. At Tulare and G Street, crews are relocating a telecommunications line near the future high-speed rail undercrossing. Crews are also relocating electrical utilities at Mono and G Street, and at Fresno and G Street in preparation for future construction.