Construction Package 4
Construction Package 4 (CP 4) is the third significant construction contract executed on the Initial Operating Section of the high-speed rail program. The CP 4 construction area is a 22-mile stretch bounded by a point approximately one mile north of the Tulare/Kern County Line at the terminus of Construction Package 2-3 and Poplar Avenue to the south. CP 4 will include construction of at-grade embankments, retained fill overcrossings and viaducts, aerial sections of the high-speed rail alignment and the relocation of four miles of existing Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) tracks.

Small Business Participation
The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) is committed to enhancing benefits for California community businesses and residents during construction of the project. To that end, the Authority has set an aggressive 30 percent goal for Small Business participation, which includes goals of 10 percent for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) and 3 percent for Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises (DVBE). To learn more about how to get involved as a Small Business on this project, please visit our Small Business Program web page.
Design-Build Contractor
California Rail Builders is a Joint Venture of Ferrovial-Agroman West, LLC and Griffith Company. The joint venture is a special-purpose entity of Ferrovial Agroman US Corp that brings together the expertise of Ferrovial Agroman with the high-speed rail design experts Euroestudios.
The Project and Construction Manager
The HNTB Corporation serves as the High-Speed Rail Authority’s eyes and ears on the ground in the Central Valley. Team members, working with the High-Speed Rail Authority, will provide assurance to the people of California that technical and contract requirements, including costs, are met for CP 4.
Questions about CP 4 can be directed to the High-Speed Rail Authority’s Central Valley Office at (559) 445-5157 or