Summer 2022 Edition
Students from Fresno State and Fresno City College also visited several construction sites in the spring of 2022 courtesy of the Authority’s I Will Ride program. If you’re a student interested in learning about the opportunities on the high-speed rail project, visit
Updates Per Project

CP 4: Merced Avenue Grade Separation
At our most southern portion of Construction Package 4, crews have installed all 15 girders needed for the superstructure of the Merced Avenue Grade Separation. Each girder spans more than 177 feet long and weighs more than 220,000 lbs. The girders were manufactured by Confab out of their Lathrop Plant and are some of the longest girders the company has ever done in California. Confab has also provided pre-cast concrete girders for other high-speed rail structures including the San Joaquin River Viaduct and Pergola in Construction Package 1. When complete, the Merced Avenue Grade Separation will be more than 509 feet long, 43 feet wide, and will take traffic over SR 43, BNSF, and future high-speed rail lines.

CP 4: Wasco Viaduct
This spring, the last four of 120 pre-cast concrete girders were placed to form the pergola section of the Wasco Viaduct. Ironworkers can be seen tying rebar to form the edge beams bringing the pergola section together. To the south, ironworkers can also be seen tying rebar for the deck and parapet on top of the pergola. The Wasco Viaduct will take high-speed trains over the existing BNSF freight tracks and will be nearly 2,000 feet long when complete.

CP 4: State Route 46 Underpass
On July 7, 12 pre-cast concrete girders needed for superstructure were installed over State Route 46, parallel to the BNSF tracks. Ironworkers will continue to tie rebar on the diaphragms of the structure in the coming weeks.

CP 4: McCombs Road Grade Separation
The top of the McCombs Road Grade Separation is continuing to take shape. All 360 pre-cast concrete deck panels have been installed and crews are now making way for the installation of rebar for the deck and barrier reinforcement. When complete, the McCombs Road Grade Separation will be 415 feet long and will take traffic over, State Route 43, existing BNSF rail lines, and future high-speed rail lines.

CP 2-3: Hanford Viaduct
At the Hanford Viaduct near Grangeville Boulevard, carpenters are working to erect falsework for the construction of the superstructure. More than 900 pre-cast concrete girders will be needed for the superstructure, all of which will be fabricated at the Dragados-Flatiron Joint Venture Pre-Cast Girder Facility just steps away from the structure. The first girders will be set for the superstructure later this summer.

CP 2-3: Elkhorn Avenue Grade Separation
Crews continue superstructure work on the Elkhorn Avenue Grade Separation. Crews have formed and placed concrete for the diaphragms of the structure, the portion of the bridge that helps support the load of the bridge deck between the abutments and set girders. 114 deck panels have been installed there. Ironworkers are now installing rebar for the deck of the structure at Elkhorn Avenue.

CP 2-3: Fowler Avenues Grade Separation
Crews continue superstructure work on the Fowler Avenue Grade Separation. Crews have formed and placed concrete for the diaphragms of the structure, the portion of the bridge that helps support the load of the bridge deck between the abutments and set girders. 114 deck panels will be installed at Fowler Avenue. Ironworkers will install rebar for the deck of the structure at Fowler Avenue in the coming weeks.

CP 2-3: Conejo Viaduct
As of June 2022, crews have installed 156 of the needed 248 girders to form the pergola section of the Conejo Viaduct. Each girder spans nearly 124 feet long and weighs more than 159,000 lbs. To the south, crews have begun working on an intrusion protection barrier (IPB) wall between the Conejo Viaduct and the Peach Avenue structure. Crews have placed concrete to form the foundation, also known as the footings of the IPB wall and crews are now tying rebar for the wall and placing concrete for the wall itself. The wall will help improve safety when in operation, separate the high-speed rail alignment from the BNSF rail lines, and will help mitigate potential hazards.

CP 2-3: Adams Avenue Grade Separation
The Adams Avenue Grade Separation is nearly complete. This spring, crews completed the deck of the structure and concrete barrier rail. Crews have begun grading embankments and will begin placing base coarse and paving the roadway in the coming weeks. When complete, the Adams Avenue Grade Separation will span 357 feet long, 40 feet wide and will take traffic over BNSF and future high-speed rail lines.

CP 1: Cedar Viaduct
Concrete has cured and falsework has been stripped on all four of the concrete arches at the Cedar Viaduct in south Fresno. Arch cables have been installed between the arches and will be stressed in the coming weeks. The arch cables help support the load of the deck adding to the stability of the viaduct. Ironworkers have also tied rebar and will begin placing concrete for remaining portions of the parapet on top of the structure.

CP 1: Tulare Street Undercrossing
Between downtown and Fresno’s Chinatown, progress continues on the Tulare Street Underpass. The G Street bridge is nearly completed. Post-tensioning of the bridge has been completed, falsework has been removed, and the concrete to form the barrier and sidewalk has been placed. Crews are now putting the finishing touches, including paving and installing streetlights on the bridge for traffic. The G Street Bridge should be open to the public soon.

CP 1: Avenue 15 1/2 Grade Separation
Superstructure work continues at the Avenue 15 ½ Grade Separation in Madera. In April, all 16 girders were placed and in May, crews set more than 117 deck panels for the top of the structure. Ironworkers continue to tie deck reinforcement and crews continue to place deck concrete. When complete, the Avenue 15 ½ Grade Separation will span 468-feet long, 40-feet wide and will take traffic over BNSF and future high-speed rail lines.